Managing Your Boss

May 15, 2018

I have heard many of my candidates tell me, “I can manage my subordinates, but how in the world can I manage my boss?” It’s actually quite easy…identify your boss’s strengths and then feed this monster; do whatever it takes to make them more productive.

Know Thy Time…

May 6, 2018

In the highly competitive world of professional sports, the experts say that if performance can’t be measured, it can’t be improved. How true. In the business world, time is your most valuable asset. And, yet, few record it, few manage it, and even fewer measure it. Let me explain.

Can Prima Donnas actually be good?

April 12, 2018

The word “Prima Donna” nowadays is a word most often used to describe an egotistical high-powered sports or entertainment personality. Its meaning almost always has a negative connotation. And every office has one, right?

Retaining Top Talent…

March 21, 2018

As you probably already know, my firm recruits only for insurance brokerage firms in the WDC region. We represent 14 of the top 20 firms and many other smaller firms as well.

Personality Tests: Why you should take one…

February 2, 2018

You’re in the interview room and suddenly the HR assistant puts a personality test questionnaire in front of you. You begrudgingly complete and it is never seen again – sound familiar?

Legal or Not: “What is your Current Compensation?”

October 19, 2017

During an interview, the question of “what is your current compensation?” invariably arises during the course of any job interview. It is an uncomfortable question to say the least.

The Lion, Antelope, and the Mouse…

September 14, 2017

As many of you know, I lived and worked in Africa many years ago. Build and sold a business there. I know it well.

Catastrophe of Success

August 7, 2017

I was not aware of how much struggle had gone into this struggle until the struggle was removed.” This is one of the quotes from a Tennessee Williams essay I read over the weekend.

Tools of Titans – Review

March 30, 2017

I am reading bestselling author, Tim Ferris’s new book, Tools of Titans. It is very good. The guy is amazing. One of his mantras is, “If it’s not a “Hell Yes!” It’s a “NO.” But I’m not sure I completely agree with this.

The Very Best of Books and Booze

December 8, 2016

As many of you know, I am an “avid reader, lousy surfer,” so I am going to put out my annual list of books read during the past year, both fiction and non-fiction, that I enjoyed the most…and that have relevance to the world of insurance and business.