Career Coaching: Supercharge YOUR career
5 min read
As part of our Four-Part Series on Coaching, I will discuss Career Coaching this week. As many of you already are aware, I am now certified as a Life Coach by the International Certified Coaching Alliance (CCA). The CCA provides oversight and is the international governing body providing us with our Code of Ethics & Standards.
Career Coaching
Our career coaching services focus on helping people achieve success in their careers. We focus on three areas:
· Helping you find the right career for you.
· Building, Growing and Supercharging your existing career.
· Enabling and empowering you to make a career change.
We have an entire section of our website dedicated to career coaching: Candidates & Career Coaching
We also do weekly blogs and podcasts on career planning & development: Rob’s Rants and Talent + Trust Insurance Careers
Clients can include people trying to find a job, move into a higher paying job, or change fields. A career coach works with people in all fields, including arts, business, education, sales, retail, health care, and other industries. We can significantly increase your earning power in the long term.
We work across all these industry sectors but have a specific focus on the insurance sector and financial services.
What makes our career coaching unique is we can leverage you into our executive search business as a leader in the insurance sector to groom and place you with the right firm that meets your specific goals and aspirations. See Industry Leader in Insurance Recruiting.
We guide our individual career coaching clients on a journey of self-discovery to enable and empower them to achieve the self-realization necessary to determine the right career path. We will assist you in reaching your full potential.
This can include helping someone identify the right career field that fits their experience, skills, and interests. Specifically, this can include career aptitude testing, the job application process, resume-building, assisting with preparation for an interview, and compensation negotiations.
We help people explore their talents and strengths in relation to career choices. We help people of all ages and backgrounds.
Some of the professionals who can benefit include:
· Women (including work-at-home moms, and women returning to the workforce)
· College students & recent graduates
· Insurance Professionals: account managers, producers, and executive leaders
· Recently retired military; both enlisted and officers
· Sales professionals
· IT Professionals
· International Expats
· Government executives
· Corporate executives
· Entrepreneurs.
The Cost: We offer two hours of career coaching on a complimentary basis every Friday morning from 9 am – 11 am to college students or those in financial need. It is on a first-come-first-serve basis.
An hourly fee for individual career coaching is between $250.00 – $750.00 per hour depending on the duration and circumstances.
If we form a group of up to six like-minded individuals who want to focus on a particular career area), we typically will do a six-week session (one two-hour session per week) for a total of $499.00 per participant. Group sessions are on Monday or Wednesday nights starting at 7 PM.
As a career coach, we partner with you.
A Different Animal: We are not your advisor, consultant, teacher, or instructor. Coaching is a different animal. We don’t judge. We coach. Coaching is a method of guiding you down a path of self-discovery to enable and empower you to the self-realization necessary for you to develop your own ideas and solutions. This way you will own it. Extremely. And that is when the magic happens!
We work with all types of people from all walks of life. Some may be confused about their current path and want to find clarity, purpose, and joy. They want more from their personal and professional life but aren’t sure how to start the journey. We empower and enable that person to take action.
It’s not about counseling. There isn’t judgment in how they reached this point. Coaching addresses the current situation and the future. It helps someone understand how to move forward, overcome obstacles and achieve everything they’ve hoped for. Remember, it is a partnership, where your questioning opens up new possibilities and helps you reach your goals quickly.
Professional coaching is not training, instruction, or consulting. It is a new approach to individual empowerment. We are facilitators. We facilitate new insights, confidence, and a greater self-awareness so that YOU can be the Master of your own Destiny. We empower you to steer your own ship…chart your own course.
Why us? As part of our executive search business, we have been career coaching ordinary people to peak performers within our clientele since 2003. As many of you already know, we have also been professionally coaching in the outside business community and U.S. Special Operation Forces (SOF) in the field of leadership coaching.
This unique combination of coaching corporate and military peak-performers gives us a perspective that few coaching organizations possess.
As a result, we have become experts in helping individuals and organizations empower themselves in the areas of listening, inquiry, critical thinking, and intellectual exploration which are fundamental to great leadership and individual performance.
The only difference now is that we are internationally certified!
Why should I be interested? Because professional career coaching is designed to take you on a journey of self-discovery to enable and empower yourself to make you more aware of yourself both personally and professionally.
Why is coaching so powerful? Unlike, traditional consulting, advising, and instruction, with our guidance, it is YOU who will chart the course. We just facilitate and keep you on the path to self-discovery. And because you will be doing most of the work, you will be accountable to yourself. YOU will learn what Extreme Ownership really is. It is very powerful.
Who else has a coach? Tom Brady. Tiger Woods. Warren Buffet. Elon Musk. Tony Robbins. All professional athletes have personalized performance and development coaches. Leaders in the business and entertainment industry. Political leaders. The list goes on and on and on. I was actually shocked to find out just how many successful people have professional coaches now. It’s one way they get to be Peak-Performers. I have had a personal coach for many years.
Final Thoughts: In the next blog post, I will dive more into the area of Personal Development coaching. This form of coaching takes a more holistic approach to individual coaching. I will discuss our new program recently launched, “How to Become a Modern-Day Renaissance Man/Woman”.
Next Episode: Coaching Series: Personal Development Coaching: “How to Become a Modern-Day Renaissance Man/Woman”
We always welcome your feedback at [email protected]
And be sure to read my blogs published every Friday at Rob’s Rants and listen to our award-winning podcast at Talent & Trust Podcast published bi-weekly and also released on LinkedIn.
All the best,
Rob Houghton