Part I: Executive Coaching
4 min read
As part of our Four-Part Series on Coaching, I will discuss Executive Coaching this week. As many of you already are aware, I am now certified as an Executive Coach by the International Certified Coaching Alliance (CCA). The CCA provides oversight and is the international governing body providing us with our Code of Ethics & Standards.
Executive coaching is not Life coaching. My executive coaching clients are mostly corporate boards, business owners, and Human Resource Departments. They hire us to provide coaching to their executives within their firm.
Executive coaching focuses on helping corporate managers, leaders, military commanders/NCOs, and individual business owners achieve their professional goals. It’s a motivational role where we help people reach their goals faster than they would on their own.
Our clients include executives and managers from as far away as Abu Dhabi who want additional insight on overcoming obstacles and realizing greater career satisfaction. We also work extensively with the U.S. military special operations and U.S. government sector to enable and empower them to operate more effectively and efficiently on and off the battlefield.
As your executive coach, we will closely collaborate and work alongside, if necessary, with senior management or command structure including Human Resources and Board of Directors to help with goal setting, team building, workplace obstacles, employee morale and productivity, decision-making, organizational issues, time management, motivation, and leadership skills.
We will help you understand the underlying problems at the workplace and create an action plan to create solidarity and satisfaction. We will help you decide how to improve your organization, increase productivity and a positive mindset, and create a solid plan to reach your goals.
We help you learn how to create and maintain a productive workplace with highly satisfied workers.
We may address the following types of situations.
• Help individual executives or their underlying teams learn to compromise and agree on the right course of action.
• Coach executives on how to motivate employees to adopt an owner mindset and go beyond their job description.
• Create ways to increase workers’ sense of extreme ownership and accountability.
• Decide the best ways to recruit and retain top leaders.
• Form a marketing or business plan to improve the company’s standing and beat its competitors.
• Create more autonomy in workers.
• Reduce a high turnover rate.
• Transition successfully and quickly into a new leadership role.
• Decide on the organization’s priorities and how to delegate appropriately.
• Attract the boss’s attention and receive recognition for achievements and value to the company.
• Improve interpersonal communication, time management and other important skills.
Professional coaching is not training, instruction, or consulting. It is a new approach to individual empowerment. We are facilitators. We facilitate new insights, confidence, and a greater self-awareness so that YOU can be the Master of your own Destiny. We empower you to steer your own ship…chart your own course.
Why us? As part of our executive search business, we have been coaching select executives within our clientele since 2003. As many of you already know, we have also been professionally coaching in the outside business community and U.S. Special Operation Forces (SOF) in the field of leadership
coaching. This unique combination of coaching corporate and military peak-performers gives us a perspective that few coaching organizations possess.
As a result, we have become experts in helping individuals and organizations empower themselves in the areas of listening, inquiry, critical thinking, and intellectual exploration which are fundamental to great leadership and individual performance.
The only difference now is that we are internationally certified!
Why should I be interested? Because professional coaching is designed to take you on a journey of self-discovery to enable and empower yourself to make you more aware about yourself both personally and professionally.
Why is coaching so powerful? Unlike, traditional consulting, advising, and instruction, with our guidance, it is YOU who will chart the course. We just facilitate and keep you on the path to self-discovery. And because you will be doing most of the work, you will be accountable to yourself. YOU will learn what Extreme Ownership really is. It is very powerful.
Who else has a coach? Tom Brady. Tiger Woods. Warren Buffet. Elon Musk. Tony Robbins. All professional athletes have personalized performance and development coaches. Leaders in the bu
siness and entertainment industry. Political leaders. The list goes on and on and on. I was actually shocked to find out just how many successful people have professional coaches now. It’s one way they get to be Peak-Performers. I have had a personal coach for many years.
Final Thoughts: In the next three blog posts, I will dive more into the three additional coaching areas that we will now be offering to our clients and any individual who wants to get to that next level. I will demonstrate to you how they are related, but very unique; and how they could have a powerful impact on your personal life and career. I will also provide more details on my own experiences with professional coaching and how it has helped me.
Next Episode: Coaching Series Part Two: Life Coaching
We always welcome your feedback at [email protected]
And be sure to read my blogs published every Friday at Rob’s Rants and listen to our award-winning podcast at Talent & Trust Podcast published bi-weekly and also released on LinkedIn.
All the best,
Rob Houghton
Executive Coaching
Certificate Below: